The serious and intensive creation of awareness of the dangers of substance, will not be helpful if abandon cigarette smoking is not taken seriously. it is possible to lead a mass exodus of cigarette smoking as well as other substances of abuse. Smokers who are very vulnerable needs to quit their smoking habits in mass if we are to have a healthy working society in the near future. There are countless benefits that come with this single act of quitting smoking. Experts from AWAREmed Health and Wellness Resource Center have established that from the ongoing campaign about quitting cigarette smoking, many people are taking the heed of quitting smoking primarily because of the fear of contracting chronic health complications like heart disease, lung cancer that are likely to lead to premature death. As professional in addiction doctor, Dalal Akoury (MD) who is also the founder of AWAREmed Health and Wellness Resource Center says that this is a step in the right direction.
Besides the known chronic health complications, there are also other reasons which are often ignored by many and that is what we want to focus on so that we can have more people making that very important decision of quitting. Like we have already mentioned that besides the chronic illnesses, there are many other reasons why one should consider quitting smoking a health priority. To that point dear reader, if you are smoking and still not very sure whether you really want to quit, we want to bring to your attention some additional reasons which are often ignored by many and we hope that these will help you make the informed decision of stopping now without any further hesitation. Like, for instance, the risk of colic:
According to a review of more than 30 studies, too much exposure to tobacco smoke increases the baby’s risk of colic. Colic starts after a few weeks of birth, peaking at the age of 5 to 8 weeks. Usually, it goes away at the age of 4 months. Irritability, inconsolable crying, red face, clenched fists, drawn-up legs and screaming are among the most common symptoms of colic. Maternal smoking has also been linked to premature birth, miscarriage, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and mental/behavioral problems in children. The next is the risk of age-related macular degeneration:
It is thought smoking reduces the skin’s natural elasticity by causing the breakdown of collagen and reducing collagen production. (Collagen is a protein that supports skin strength.) Collagen naturally degrades as we get older, leading to the formation of wrinkles. Smoking makes this happen sooner. And besides, those smokers are more likely to become blind someday because of age-re slated macular degeneration. Meanwhile, quitting smoking can lower the risk of blindness. While all the risk factors are not fully understood, research has pointed smoking as one major and modifiable cause which is why you need to seek for lasting solutions by scheduling an appointment with doctor Dalal Akoury today.