If you want to find lasting solutions to any problem, you must be well informed of the root cause. In this blog post, we look at causes and remedies for facial swelling.
We spoke to the experts at AWAREmed health and wellness resource center under the leadership of doctor Dalal Akoury MD over this and she agrees that apple cider vinegar is essential in that:
Arnica Montana is a widely used homeopathic remedy that is often employed for facial and other bodily swelling related to injuries of the tissues. The remedy is indicated for:
This application may be essential in cases of facial swelling emanating after plastic surgery or other surgical procedures.
Arnica is available as an oral remedy and can also be purchased as a cream or ointment for topical application.
Under no circumstances should you use Arnica topically on an open wound!
This medication is considered safe for adults and children and is available over-the-counter from health food. Like in any other condition, persons suffering from facial swelling particularly those accruing from injury or surgery, should consult a homeopathic practitioner before taking this direction.
The remedy Apis Mellifica is often employed for treatment for an allergic reaction, and may be helpful in some cases of facial swelling, according to “Homeopathic Medicine at Home.”
The swollen area may be bright red and warm to the touch with stinging as a result of an allergic reaction. In addition, the swelling may itch and appear to be filled with fluid. Apis mollified may also be useful for symptoms such as swelling in the throat, mouth, lips or tongue, and it may offer relief for allergic reactions to insect bites and various foods. The remedy is safe for use in adults and children. Because swelling of the throat and mouth may indicate the onset of anaphylaxis, immediate medical attention is necessary.
Finally, this remedy may be used for facial swelling relating to allergic reactions in conjunction with conventional therapies as long as the patient is under the supervision of a qualified health practitioner or a doctor. Remember that the primary objective of applying all these is to ensure a more glamorous skin and facial look. Even though Apis mellifica is available over-the-counter from health food stores, it is important that you seek the expert’s opinion from AWAREmed Health and Wellness Resource Center under Doctor Akoury’s care to rid out any uncertainties. Remember that your face is the first catchment and it must be cared for at all cost professionally.