Cancer has put doctors on ‘motion’ never resting always trying to come up with better ways of cancer treatment. Maybe the more alternatives the better the treatment! Integrative cancer doctors have had much more alternatives to cancer treatments and some alternatives are added every now and then and this situation is not about to end as doctors are still working day and night to give us the best cancer treatment alternatives. The availability of many cancer treatment alternatives therefore requires that every cancer patient should know the kind of treatment that suits his case but of course with help from an integrative cancer doctor. There are naturopathic cancer treatments that have gained recognition for their whole person healing intent and while chemotherapy has been negatively thought of by many patients some improvements have been done to improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy by improving drug uptake by the cancerous cells while reducing chemotherapy drug resistance by the cancer cells which is normally a problem. With these improvements like the use of IPT among others, even the patients are not afraid of it anymore as the side effects are minimal. Some of the cancer treatment alternatives that we have today include the use of vitamin C and vitamin k3 in cancer treatment.
Vitamin C in treating cancer? I know it might be a problem to accept that vitamin C can be used in cancer treatment because you might have been told never to use vitamin C while undergoing chemotherapy. This is because vitamin C is an antioxidant which to many cancer doctors is supposed to interfere with chemotherapy treatment but what most doctors have not known is that vitamin C when used in high doses and given intravenously can be very helpful in cancer treatment as it becomes a pro-oxidant which leads to cancer cell death.
There are studies that have supported the use vitamin c in high doses and given intravenously in cancer treatment. In two Scottish studies, terminal cancer patients given intravenous vitamin C at 10 g per day showed longer survival times than historical controls. Apparently this is not the only study that has been done on vitamin C and its ability to kill cancerous cell. Another study; A Japanese study showed similar results and this are very encouraging. However at mayo clinic a double blinded study of the same using oral vitamin C supplementation did not show any benefit in fighting cancer.
Researchers have shown that oral vitamin C supplementation cannot work well in fighting cancer as it doesn’t produce plasma ascorbate levels that are sufficient enough to kill tumor cells directly. This is the reason why doctors recommend the use of vitamin C intravenously.
When vitamin C is given intravenously, they turn into hydrogen peroxide inside the cancerous cells which then causes the cells to die by poisoning them. This does not affect the healthy body cells negatively since unlike the cancerous cells the healthy body cells have the ability to fight the damage that is caused by the hydrogen peroxide. This allows for selective killing of the cancerous cells while the healthy body cells are left without harm.
Currently there is an ongoing study of Vitamin C by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as an adjunctive therapy for cancer. In their 2008 report, the National Institutes of Health stated that the vitamin C when used in high doses reduced the rate of tumor growth by 50 percent in mice that were infected with brain cancer, ovarian cancer and pancreatic cancer. The researchers revealed that Vitamin C got its high anticancer effect from its ability to produce hydrogen peroxide inside the cancer cells killing them outright. Even in this experiment the healthy body cells were not affected by the poisonous effect of the vitamin C.
Researchers have proved that the cell killing abilities of sodium ascorbate or other vitamin C and combination of 2-methyl-1, 4-naphthoquinone K3 is highly increased. These have been tested on human ovarian cancer, breast cancer, endometrial cancer and skin cancer cells. These vitamins can work even when given separately. When given separately they have an antigrowth effect on the tumors but must be highly concentrated. When both the vitamins were used as a single mixture, they demonstrated a synergistic inhibition of cell growth by up to 10 – 50 times in lower concentrations. The best part of this combination is that it does not affect the healthy body cells at all. The researchers also observed that when vitamin C and Vitamin K3 inhibited metastasis.
The mechanism by which vitamin C and vitamin K3 work in killing cancer is called autoschizic cell death. This is a novel type of cell death characterized by exaggerated cell membrane damage and progressive loss of cell contents. A process during which the nucleus becomes smaller, cell size decreases one-half to one-third of its original size. Co-administration of sodium ascorbate and K3 induces a cell cycle block on cancer cells making it harder for them to grow and divide. This is called a G1/S block. The intravenous vitamin cocktail containing sodium ascorbate and vitamin K3 diminishes cancer cell DNA synthesis, increases hydrogen peroxide production, and decreases cancer cell intracellular antioxidant defenses thereby killing them easily.
Dr. Dalal Akoury (MD) is an experienced integrative cancer doctor that has helped many cancer patients in their fight against the disease. She has worked hard not only in treating the disease but also in availing informational support to cancer patients at Awaremed which has become a place called home for many cancer patients. Call on her now and get help on cancer.